Namugonza Maureen Peace, also known by her stage as Ava Peace, spoke openly about her previous struggles in the music industry before to being well-known in Uganda.
Ava Peace claims she survived largely off of singer Winnie Nwagi’s music as a struggling musician who attempted everything to become famous .
She tells how she began by playing at parties and other events where she could showcase her talent, such as karaoke, in an effort to become successful.
Ava Peace recalls playing the songs “Webaase” and “Kanokoze” among others since they were among her best from the singer, and she would beg event emcees to allow her an opportunity to perform Winnie Nwagi’s songs.
She continued by saying that Nwagi might have been sued for utilizing her work without permission if she had been a nasty person or if there had been a strict copyright law in place.
With her breakout song, on which she worked with Mudra, she is thrilled to be where she is now.
Ava Peace continues, saying she’d like to get together with Nwagi sometime, just to have a quick conversation and maybe work on a project together.